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Double Plus Un Good

[The ETS - A train wreck waiting to happen]

The ETS is unnecessarily un-uncomplicated, unnecessarily unfavourable and unnecessarily unilaterally unctuous.

It lacks the 'un' found in unculpable.

And I say this not unintentionally.

It is unfortunately unethical and uncunning. Unbelievably, our uneducated politicians will undertake to push the legislation through to the unending shame that politicians are unable to feel.

It's unforgivable.

Understandably, we underestimate the under-achievements of the select committee as they uncritically uncover their own incompetence. They can't even manage to end the last sentence with uncompetence.

They don't address the underlying issues and will driving New Zealand jobs and businesses under for unrealized gains. Is anyone unclear on this?

I'm beyond underwhelmed - I'm under-awed, under-satisfied and under a cloud. The uncouthness is under our noses. Unjustifiably, we are put under the thumb. It's unexplainable that Labour are not under fire for their underhanded portrayal of the undervalued carbon charges.

Under no circumstances should this bill be passed, and this I say under pain of death. It's not just Winston under the influence of puppeteers, I think we've just seen the under belly of the political underworld.

I worry that Dunne will be the 'un of our undoing. It's unthinkable.

This is an under budgeted, underestimated, undeveloped and underdone piece of crappy legislation, and I under emphasize this point merely for effect.

The government has said it will be double plus good. Try double plus un-good. And that's no understatement.



  1. This is yet another example of grey area unworkable legislation passed by a government clearly out of touch with reality. National has a big clean up job concerning chaotic and deranged statute law. What kind of government passes such continuous nonsense?

  2. The corrupt role NIWA have played in this needs to be exposed, too. There's a fascinating item about that over at Not PC.

  3. This legislation is ridiculous. Unfortunately National will not fix it - National is promising to have an ETS within 9 months of taking office. They might make a few minor modifications but won't change it too much, that way they can blame Labour when it turns to custard.

    We need to force National to go into coalition with parties who are prepared to face the scientific and economic facts and ditch this legislation. Those parties are The Family Party (from the conservative side) and Act (from the liberal side).

    If we have National governing alone, we can kiss goodbye to sensible environmental policy and our economy.

    If we have a National-Act-Family coalition, both coalition partners will be pushing to remove the ETS and could well make this a condition of coalition, resulting in sensible policies.


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