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Tom Scott and Shakespeare

All this talk about taking Shakespeare out of the NZ curriculum seems to have inspired Tom Scott a couple of days ago. Brilliant, really.

Now, I just wish I was educated enough to know the reference. Maybe someone can help?

Related Link: Three's a crowd


  1. Probably something akin to, "eh you brute," or was that "e tu brute." (with acute accents on the 'e's of course.

  2. Not sure of the reference but I did see a little rhyme that fits..

    Hilly had a little Lamb'
    She named him 'lil Billy,
    Everywhere that Hilly went,
    He followed with his willy.

  3. Are you home alone again Barnsley??

  4. Yes i am mojo, although I am actually going out tomorrow night... On a date! And she is not a minger...

  5. ""Thou canst not say I did it. Never shake Thy gory locks at me"

  6. Keep away from u tube then Barnsley ... it simply raises expectations & probably a tad too high.

  7. KG, you're probably right. I was trying to think if it was Hamlet, but I see that Banquo comes from Macbeth. I've seen both a couple of times in my life but can't remember much at all about them.

  8. Yep, Macbeth. The dinner party scene.

    Macbeth tells his wife he doesn't want to murder Duncan. She talks him into it.

    Macbeth decides to off Banquo and his son Fleance.

    At dinner, Macbeth imagines he sees Banquo's ghost causing his wife to excuse the dinner guests.

    I presume Bill Clinton becomes the ghost of Obama's conscience...once he invites Hillary to sit in his Presidential Dinner Table.


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