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Have I broken the comments somehow

This is a test post.


  1. Nope, still old comments showing up.

  2. You haven't broken yours unless I co-incidentally broke No Minister's at the same time - we're getting old comments too. Ours are running a script at to get the comments feed, so if yours are too I'd say it's them that has something broken.

  3. Thanks for the info PM.

    I just tried the default comment feeds from blogger, which are stuffed. Seems like it is a blogger issue, and hopefully enough blogs are affected so that it is noticeable and being addressed.

  4. PM, thanks!

    This broken comment feed problem is really annoying. It makes our blog look dead.

    It's not really dead, it's just sleeping.

  5. [geek]
    I don't know what's gone wrong with the blogger feeds but I remember from the old days (when I actually update my blog...) that you can do some need PHP tricks with them

    should only include comments made since last night. Hope you can plug that into your scripts

  6. Thanks for the tip David. That is the feed command I use (up to default) but plugging in a time period didn't seem to work. I see from the blogger API that I could also try it with a max value and order parameter. I'll check this later as this is embedded in some javascript with a json callback, and I somehow managed to scramble the whole thing and half the code disappeared when I hit save. Weird, but typical as things are trying to distract me from a work deadline I have. This will have to wait until Tuesday.

    I get my world back on Tuesday.


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