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Vitriol against David Garrett is astounding

So the man didn't stand and applaud when Helen Clark was given a standing ovation. I wouldn't have stood either, as I do not believe that our previous Prime Minister deserves such an accolade. Especially since there are major questions over whether or not Miss Clark bought her way into her UN position.

The furore over David Garrett's lack of action reminds me of what I read on Stalin's time. It was important to laugh whenever Stalin laughed, otherwise you were seen as disloyal and things would not bode well for you.

Given that Wellington during Helen's time as PM was known as "Helengrad", it's not surprising that there has been such condemnation of David Garret. It seems Helengrad's effects are still in place. Otherwise, this would not be news. David Garett's private decision to not stand and applaud did not need to be noticed. That it has been and was turned into "news" is really scary.

Related Link: ACT MP refuses to join ovation for Clark ~ NZ Herald


  1. What is more frightening is that there weren't more members refusing to applaud.

  2. Here I Stand,

    Yes, you are right!

  3. The socialists want to rewrite history to say Helen Clark was the best Prime Minister ever.

    There can be no disagreement on such matters. Especially public disagreement.

  4. I had an opportunity to shake Helen Klark's hand at the Auckland Chinese Cambodian Societies New Years event a few years back ... I took the time to go to the bar when everyone else was lining up for the honour to greet our PM.

  5. My partner turned her back on Helen when she visited Blenheim Hospital, and was ostracised by the lefty staff members for it.
    The left are terrified of any display of ethics or principles--perhaps it reminds them of just how empty and pointless they are.

  6. Full marks to David Garrett.

    It is for the same principals that in my opinion I do not respond to the request to please be upstanding for our Mayor at Gore District Council meetings.

    Didn't realise there were so many back scratchers in parliament.

  7. They're such precious little fascists aren't they. This is just more proof that the left cannot stand even a small bit of opposition. Sort of explains the rather high body counts where the left are left to run free doesn't it.

  8. "Sort of explains the rather high body counts where the left are left to run free doesn't it."
    LOL! How true....

  9. There's rudeness and there's being principled. In my view this case Garrett is the latter, as I am sure his (in)action is political, not personal. Also it takes guts to do this considering the forum and its associated peer pressure. So this time I will actually join the far right faction of blogosphere in my agreement with them ;-)


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